
a hard time


it's a hard time for me and my friend. too many work. too many stress. too many thing come across. but the best once is how everyone struggling so hard and do their best in this situation. the moment that insyaAllah will always live in our memory. dear everyone, continue to be strong!

i miss my life before, seriously. but i know this is what i got to face to achieve my dream. i never knew that it was so hard for me. i become stress and emotional person. my life become suck. i don't even know how to manage it anymore. few weeks back,  i didn't have enough sleep and i didn't eat properly. i only slept for 3 hours per day. phew! can i list it as my great achievement? since i never do it before. tehee. i have a few weeks more  to complete my studies for five and a half years successfully. till then, pray for me everyone. :)

besides, I hope Allah will always protect you, given happiness in this world and the hereafter, longevity, and always loved. dear Nurul Ayuani, happy birthday princess! :D

# this may be the beginning of a painful road to a great success story.

p/s: I try to write in English. sorry for the bad language. I had not used it for a long time. 

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